
У статті аналізується процес національної консолідації в поліетнічних регіонах України. Встановлюється включеність цих регіонів у вказаний процес на основі критерію «переважання національної ідентичності у населення регіону» та критерію «підтримки більшістю населення регіону національної ідеї української нації». The problem of national consolidation, especially inclusion of all Ukrainian regions into this process, has become vital for the preservation of statehood and territorial integrity. In this context, the impact of the ethnic environment of the region on the national consolidation has not been studied sufficiently. The main purpose of the article is to analyze the process of national consolidation in polyethnic regions of Ukraine and determine the level of integration of these regions into consolidation processes. We grouped Zakarpattya, Chernivtsi, Odesa regions and the Crimea under the name «polyethnic regions of Ukraine». The common features of this group of regions are high level of ethnic diversity, stability of areas of compact settlement of ethnonational communities, high intensity of interethnic relations. In the context of our research, we restrict ourselves to analyzing such components of consolidation as national identity and national idea. The analysis of these components and their dynamics in the selected polyethnic regions was conducted on the basis of the results of the All-Ukrainian Population Census of 2001 and sociological surveys of various research centers. The first criterion for analyzing the national consolidation is «the prevalence of the national identity among the population». In recent years, we can talk about the process of gradual predominance of national-state identity over local-regional identity in all studied regions, except the Crimea. There has always existed the problem of pro-Russian identity on the peninsula. Such identity was supported by the regional, often pro-Russian, leaders and hindered the national consolidation of the Crimea into the composition of Ukraine. According to the next criterion of «supporting the national idea by the population majority», Zakarpattia, Chernivtsi and Odesa regions can be considered as included in the consolidation processes. The example of the war on the Donbass has greatly weakened the desire of other regions to separate, and a widespread phenomenon of bipatrism of the population has no associations with separatism tendencies, but has a clearly pragmatic motivation. However, the Crimea has always been very poorly integrated into the process of national consolidation of Ukraine. At present, the maturation of the national identity and national idea of the Ukrainian state in the Crimea has become almost impossible. Nevertheless, the results of sociological surveys in the Crimea suggest that with the preservation of the dynamics of the Crimeans’ attitude to Ukraine, with the support of the central authorities in Kyiv and without external interference, it would be possible to predict the inclusion of the Crimea into the process of national consolidation in the future.

Authors and Affiliations

Krystyna Cherveniak


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Krystyna Cherveniak (2017). НАЦІОНАЛЬНА КОНСОЛІДАЦІЯ В ПОЛІЕТНІЧНИХ РЕГІОНАХ УКРАЇНИ. Вісник Маріупольського державного університету. Серія: Історія. Політологія, 7(20), 331-340. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-432676