
В статті доведено важливість інтернаціоналізації вищої освіти в Україні та визначено цілі державної стратегії для її більш широкого впровадження та розвитку. Охарактеризована система факторів, що визначають характер розвитку процесу інтернаціоналізації вищої освіти. Визначено основні складові спрямованості національних стратегій, які виокремлюють експерти Американської ради з освіти та експерти Британської ради. The article proves the importance of the internationalization of higher education in Ukraine and defines the goals of the state strategy for its large-scale implementation and development. The author provides a set of factors that define the nature of the higher education internationalization process deployment. The research describes main elements of national strategy orientation as defined by the experts of the American Council on Education and the British Council experts. The author proves that the modern system of education faces some multi-purpose goals such as to reach a new level of the European education quality and to make it competitive defacto in the global market through reforming it with due regard to the principles of democratization, openness, continuity, equal access to the education, mobility and at the same time preserving the authenticity of national education. The author admits that the contribution of the national higher education into the improvement of the competitiveness of the country is not very substantial yet. Ukraine is still a leader in terms of the spread of higher education but meanwhile the quality becomes less competitive. The author proves that Ukraine requires the development of the National Program for the Higher Education Internationalization due to the fact that the experience of many countries demonstrate the efficiency of applying different approaches in this field depending on goals and challenges faced by the state. Internationalization of higher education enhances national education potential and at the same time the competitiveness of the country. This is the reason why the internationalization of higher education should become an important object of the state taskoriented policy and be aimed at solving certain political, economic and social, and cultural challenges.

Authors and Affiliations

Kostiantyn Balabanov


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How To Cite

Kostiantyn Balabanov (2017). НАЦІОНАЛЬНІ СТРАТЕГІЇ ІНТЕРНАЦІОНАЛІЗАЦІЇ ВИЩОЇ ОСВІТИ. Вісник Маріупольського державного університету. Серія: Історія. Політологія, 7(20), 172-179. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-432227