Jurassic flora from Antarctica comes from 9 localities: 2 from East Antarctica, 7 from West Antarctica (6 from Antarctic Peninsula). This flora is very uniform and consist mainly of ferns, seed ferns, cycads, bennettites...
A re-examination of the type specimen of Ammonites biplex Sowerby, 1821 shows that the reasons previously given for rejecting this species as the type species of Perisphinctes, to be replaced by Amm. variocostatus Buckl...
EP ID EP67790
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How To Cite
Mariusz KĘDZIERSKI (2003). Nannoplankton wapienny z czarnych iłów jurajskich: przykład z Marionowa koło Małogoszcza. Volumina Jurassica, 1(1),
13-18. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-67790
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Current state-of-the-art in studies on Jurassic flora from Antarctica
Jurassic flora from Antarctica comes from 9 localities: 2 from East Antarctica, 7 from West Antarctica (6 from Antarctic Peninsula). This flora is very uniform and consist mainly of ferns, seed ferns, cycads, bennettites...
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A re-examination of the type specimen of Ammonites biplex Sowerby, 1821 shows that the reasons previously given for rejecting this species as the type species of Perisphinctes, to be replaced by Amm. variocostatus Buckl...