Narrow band imaging in transoral laser microsurgery (TLM) in moderately advanced (T2, T3) glottic cancer
Journal Title: Otolaryngologia Polska - Year 2018, Vol 72, Issue 5
Introduction: Treatment planning in T2, T3 laryngeal carcinoma is based on clinical assessment and radiological imaging. However, to delineate precise mucosal margins for transoral laser microsurgery (TLM), a high class, sophisticated endoscopy is indispensable. Narrowband imaging (NBI) which is an optical filter technology, seems to be a useful adjunctive tool in marking superficial margins. Materials and Methods: A total of 98 patients diagnosed with HNSCC underwent cordectomies and were enrolled in the evaluation. T2 and T3 stage cancer were diagnosed in 90 and 8 patients, respectively. Intraoperatively, prior to the first laser shot, all anatomical sites were endoscopically evaluated by WL and NBI. Results: In 10/98 patients (10.2%), 10 samples were taken based only on NBI findings to guarantee better delineation of superficial margins. The result of histology revealed moderate dysplasia in 4 cases (40%), severe dysplasia in 2 (20%), carcinoma in situ in 3 (30%) and hyperkeratosis in 1 (10%). Based on presented results, combined NBI/WL endoscopy reached the sensitivity of 100%, specificity 98.88%, positive predictive value 90%, negative predictive value 100% and accuracy 98.98%. All patients had clear margins according to definitive histology results. Discussion: In this paper, we aimed to assess the usefulness of NBI in intraoperative imaging of laryngeal mucosa and delineation of superficial margins in patients with selected T2 and T3 laryngeal cancer treated with TLM. We proved in our study that with the support of NBI endoscopy, it is possible to increase the accuracy of superficial resection margins in patients with moderately advanced laryngeal cancer (T2, T3).<br/><br/>
Authors and Affiliations
Krzysztof Piersiala, Hanna Klimza, Joanna Jackowska, Anna Majewska, Małgorzata Wierzbicka
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