Objective. Myringoplasty is successfully performed in children since many years. However still considerable controversy surrounds the subject of proper timing of surgery and other factors influencing the success rate. Th...
The benign lesions of esophagus constitutes small part of all esophageal tumors and among them giant esophageal polyps are exceptionally rarely reported. The authors present the uncommon case of pedunculated giant fibro...
Sinus ostium patency is a key point in treatment of rhinosinusitis. Thanks to minimally invasive set of tools dilation of ostium without tissue removal is possible that was demonstrated in large multicenter studies. The...
Author described a rare case of lingual Schwannoma in 20 years old female. After complete surgical excision she has not shown recurrence during 2 years of follow-up. Schwannomas are peripheral nerve tumors of nerve sheat...
Specyficzne zaburzenia rozwoju mowy i języka (Specific Language Impairment – SLI) dotykają ok. 7–15% dzieci w wieku szkolnym. Według obecnie stosowanych kryteriów rozpoznania przyjmuje się, że grupa tych dzieci ma prawid...
Myringoplastyka u dzieci – czynniki wpływające na wynik leczenia chirurgicznego
Objective. Myringoplasty is successfully performed in children since many years. However still considerable controversy surrounds the subject of proper timing of surgery and other factors influencing the success rate. Th...
Rzadki przypadek olbrzymiego polipa włóknistonaczyniowego przełyku
The benign lesions of esophagus constitutes small part of all esophageal tumors and among them giant esophageal polyps are exceptionally rarely reported. The authors present the uncommon case of pedunculated giant fibro...
Cewnikowanie endoskopowe zatok – ewolucja czy rewolucja w leczeniu zapaleń zatok przynosowych? Doświadczenia własne i przegląd literatury
Sinus ostium patency is a key point in treatment of rhinosinusitis. Thanks to minimally invasive set of tools dilation of ostium without tissue removal is possible that was demonstrated in large multicenter studies. The...
A rare case of schwannoma of the tongue
Author described a rare case of lingual Schwannoma in 20 years old female. After complete surgical excision she has not shown recurrence during 2 years of follow-up. Schwannomas are peripheral nerve tumors of nerve sheat...
Ocena ośrodkowych procesów słuchowych u dzieci ze specyficznymi zaburzeniami rozwoju mowy i języka
Specyficzne zaburzenia rozwoju mowy i języka (Specific Language Impairment – SLI) dotykają ok. 7–15% dzieci w wieku szkolnym. Według obecnie stosowanych kryteriów rozpoznania przyjmuje się, że grupa tych dzieci ma prawid...