Naśladowanie Jezusa warunkiem jedności chrześcijan
Journal Title: Sympozjum - Year 2015, Vol 29, Issue 2
Following Jesus is not just a personal matter of the individual Christian. It's the matter of the community, a condition to the community of the Church continued steadfastly in the unity which is koinonia. This article proposes an interpretation to follow Jesus with the use of an ecumenical hermeneutics. Therefore, it has been shown in the biblical perspective, taking into account the analysis of the vocabulary relating to reality: as well as following as desire to know Jesus. Especially the teaching of St. Paul brings a lot of contents for understanding this issue. Following Jesus is a requirement of an authentic Christian life. It consists of a recognition of his own sin and the gift of the community - the Church. The consequence of following Jesus is personal adjusting to Himself. To describe the truth in theology following concepts were developed: chrystoformizacja and deification, referred to Christians of the various denominations. Following Jesus should be regarded as a fundamental dimension of the spiritual roots of ecumenism, appeal to all His students, regardless of denomination which they identify. It is therefore necessary to form Christian communities in such a way that each individual Christian wants to take the imitation of Jesus and thus contribute to the unity of the Church.
Authors and Affiliations
Katarzyna Kinga Walkowiak
KS. MIROSŁAW STANISŁAW WRÓBEL, Jezus i Jego wyznawcy w Talmudzie.Analiza tekstologiczna, historyczna i socjologiczna,Lublin 2013, ss. 272
Recenzja: KS. MIROSŁAW STANISŁAW WRÓBEL, Jezus i Jego wyznawcy w Talmudzie.Analiza tekstologiczna, historyczna i socjologiczna,Lublin 2013, ss. 272
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