National agricultural machines for the systems of soil-protecting and energy-saving technologies


In the last few years Ukraine was filled with non-traditional and in some cases unknown technologies of crop science. The changes started by using imported harvesters which left practically all residues on the field. This practice allowed increasing the productivity of picking processes and shortening the terms of harvest period but there appeared the problem of plant residues further processing. The Ukrainian producers chose the simplest way to solve it and used disc equipment for soil cultivation. As a result, the structure of surface soil was damaged, valuable agro-technical aggregates were mashed, which led to their transformation into dusty unstructured condition. There was also over-tamping of subsoil, dysfunction of the aeration and infiltration processes, decrease of the storage of productive soil water in lower levels. This year the Department of Agricultural Engineering of Central Ukrainian National Technical University celebrates its 120th anniversary. On this occasion, the article contains the information on the contribution of the scientists of the department to the development of the agro-industrial complex of Ukraine by the introduction of some models of modern agricultural machines. They were developed and launched within recent years. The article shows the necessity of development and production of home-made agricultural machines. It is highlighted that the gradual introduction of the suggested machines into the technological processes of growing crops should become the basis for the introduction of soil protective and energy-saving technologies. The design features and the advantages of using plant residues shredders, combined chisel deep-tillers, universal cultivators, field cultivators and chain harrows in different soil and climatic conditions have been described. The presented designs of machines were introduced into production and have been operating successfully on the fields of many agrarian companies. They provide high productivity and quality of technological processes confirming the efficiency and reliability of the design and significant cost savings compared with the purchase of foreign machines of similar application. Systematic launch of the developed technology into the technological processes of cultivation, timely operations and the refusal of the application of erosion-hazardous equipment can serve as the basis for the implementation of systems of soil protection and energy-saving technologies. We hope that our elaborations will improve the overall efficiency of agricultural production, promote the preservation and restoration of soil fertility and high yields.

Authors and Affiliations

Vasyl Salo, Sergiy Leshchenko, Dmytro Bohatyrev


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How To Cite

Vasyl Salo, Sergiy Leshchenko, Dmytro Bohatyrev (2017). National agricultural machines for the systems of soil-protecting and energy-saving technologies. Загальнодержавний міжвідомчий науково-технічний збірник. Конструювання, виробництво та експлуатація сільськогосподарських машин, 47(1), 3-11.