Natura–kultura a problem interdyscyplinarności badań
Journal Title: Studia Europaea Gnesnensia - Year 2011, Vol 4, Issue
In the article, I discuss the title opposition nature–culture in the perspective of is-sues presented by the interdisciplinarity of science. I attempt to elucidate the definition of interdisciplinarity utilising certain ways in which the notion of science is construed, and indicating three levels of potential integration of interdisciplinary research: on-tological, methodological and theoretical. Apart from that, the article addresses the standpoints of reductionism and anti-reductionism as well as the questions of classify-ing scientific disciplines. The final parts of the text outline the possibility of conduct-ing interdisciplinary studies in the light of the language of action theory, which may become a concept which integrates various domains of scientific knowledge.
Authors and Affiliations
Mieszko Ciesielski
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