Nauczanie Kościoła katolickiego o nierozerwalności małżeństwa w aspekcie dogmatyczno-historycznym
Journal Title: Sympozjum - Year 2010, Vol 19, Issue 1
The purpose of this publication is to present the dogmatic teaching of matrimony basing on the selected statements of the Magisterium of the Church, like: the Waldensian Confession of Faith of 1208 framed by the Pope Innocent III, the Doctrine on the Sacrament of Matrimony formulated by the Council of Trent in 1563, the Encyclical Arcanum divinae spientiae of Leo XIII (1880) and the Apostolic Exhortation of John Paul II Familiaris consortio (1981). Everything that relates to the sacramentality and indissolubility of marriage has been chosen from the foregoing documents. The statements of the Church’s Magisterium indicate that the principles of the sacramentality and indissolubility of marriage are to be found in the Letter to Ephesians 5:21-33. The dogmatic teaching of matrimony can be built basing on this fragment of the Letter to Ephesians, where the Christological title of the Bridegroom has a crucial meaning. This title merges the sacrament of marriage with the Christ’s work of Redemption, which revives the work of Creation.
Authors and Affiliations
Bogdan Ferdek
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