Наукові засади променево-конвективного теплообміну в процесі формування світлового режиму лісу [Scientific basis of radiation-convektive heat transfer in the formation of light regime in forest]


Photosynthetic activity of plants is closely related to solar energy. The formation of organic matter, as well as other forms of photo synthesizing systems are determined by a complex set of abiotic (temperature, humidity, light, relief) and biotic factors that depend on the intensity, spectral composition and flux density of solar radiation that enters the leaves of trees, as well as the spectral reflectivity, transmittance and absorption of incident solar radiation. In this regard, it becomes greater importance of studying patterns of light regime of forest and absorption of solar energy by forest cover. Urban smog, smoke from forest fires and the ash is carried by air, reduce the possibility of solar energy impact on the environment while increasing the dispersion and absorption of solar radiation. That indicates that the above factors affect on the direct radiation (under strong air pollution – smog, in particular, the direct sunlight is reduced by 40%, and the total radiation – by 15-25%). The vital functions of the stand is determined by the combined action of many environmental factors of an environment, and genetic characteristics and the internal state of the plant, the dependence of the structure and performance of the plant world should be considered in carbon gas exchange leaves of trees main species in a given region and the influence of the features of the light regime in forest and on their photosynthetic reaction. The paper present the map of solar radiation for Lviv, it’s volatility during the day, the month. The formulas for determining the convective component proposed. The average monthly relative humidity for Lviv and green areas of the city varies between 62-82.6 %, and the average cloudiness ranges 55.7-71.38 %. That means that the solar termoradiation mode is a basic climate factor that determines the temperature-humidity area mode. From the latter it will depend on the structure of the phytocenosis. In addition, the relief of the territory and vegetation on it will affect the density of incident solar radiation and its regime. It is established that biomass growth depends on the solar energy and the dependence to predict the magnitude of increase in biomass.

Authors and Affiliations

Ihor Ozarkiv, Olja Derech


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How To Cite

Ihor Ozarkiv, Olja Derech (2016). Наукові засади променево-конвективного теплообміну в процесі формування світлового режиму лісу [Scientific basis of radiation-convektive heat transfer in the formation of light regime in forest]. Наукові праці Лісівничої академії наук України, 14(), 72-78. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-199187