Abstract: Data Mining is considered as a nontrival extraction of implicit, previously unknown and potentially usefull information from data. Although there is a long line of work on identifying duplicates in relati...
Abstract: Noise removing is the most important task for biomedical image analysis. Noise is always presents in ultrasound digital images during image acquisition. Filtering is a tool for noise removing. In this paper wec...
Abstract: Management support system is of great importance in the institutions of higher learning, as an interactive computer-base system that support cooperate memory or knowledge base that constitutes the problem-solvi...
Abstract : A level of trust can be developed by online relationships in social network which are based on real world relationships. To form a dynamic Social Cloud and to enable users to share heterogeneous resource...
Abstract: Cancer research is rudimentary research which is done to identify causes and develop strategies forprevention, diagnosis, treatment and cure. An optimized solution for the better treatment of cancer and t...
An Effective Solution to Adequate and Operative Duplicate Detection in Stratified Data
Abstract: Data Mining is considered as a nontrival extraction of implicit, previously unknown and potentially usefull information from data. Although there is a long line of work on identifying duplicates in relati...
Comparing the performance of various filters on stoned kidney images
Abstract: Noise removing is the most important task for biomedical image analysis. Noise is always presents in ultrasound digital images during image acquisition. Filtering is a tool for noise removing. In this paper wec...
Management Support System (Mss) In Higher Educational Institutions (Heis): University Of Jos, Nigeria. Ict Support
Abstract: Management support system is of great importance in the institutions of higher learning, as an interactive computer-base system that support cooperate memory or knowledge base that constitutes the problem-solvi...
Social Cloud Computing Using Social Network
Abstract : A level of trust can be developed by online relationships in social network which are based on real world relationships. To form a dynamic Social Cloud and to enable users to share heterogeneous resource...
Effective Cancer Detection Using Soft Computing Technique
Abstract: Cancer research is rudimentary research which is done to identify causes and develop strategies forprevention, diagnosis, treatment and cure. An optimized solution for the better treatment of cancer and t...