Abstract: Load balancing is the practice of evenly distributing work among multiple devices. This technique provides several important benefits. Load Balancing in Gateways is a very important in today's emerging wo...
Epistaxis is one of the most frequently encountered emergencies reported to occur in up to 60% of the general population. It has a bimodal age presentation with incidence peaks in below 25 years and above 50 years of age...
Abstract: Blind signature is a concept to ensure anonymity of e-coins. Untracebility and unlinkability are ttwomain properties of real coins and should also be mimicked electronicaly. A user has fulfill above two p...
Abstract: MRI head scan images contains some non-brain tissues and it is necessary to remove these non-brain tissues for further processing. The Brain Extraction Tool (BET) is one of the most popular brain segmenta...
Frequent itemset mining is one of the important aspects of association rule mining. The primary algorithm based for frequent itemset mining is mostly based on CPU and they generated a large set of items that are required...
Network Traffic Load Balancing In Gateways
Abstract: Load balancing is the practice of evenly distributing work among multiple devices. This technique provides several important benefits. Load Balancing in Gateways is a very important in today's emerging wo...
Pattern of Epistaxis of Patients Attending in A Tertiary Care Hospital of Tripura, Northeastern Region of India
Epistaxis is one of the most frequently encountered emergencies reported to occur in up to 60% of the general population. It has a bimodal age presentation with incidence peaks in below 25 years and above 50 years of age...
Blind Signature Scheme Based On Elliptical CurveCryptography (ECC)
Abstract: Blind signature is a concept to ensure anonymity of e-coins. Untracebility and unlinkability are ttwomain properties of real coins and should also be mimicked electronicaly. A user has fulfill above two p...
Improved Brain Extraction Tool using Marker-Controlled Watershed Segmentation
Abstract: MRI head scan images contains some non-brain tissues and it is necessary to remove these non-brain tissues for further processing. The Brain Extraction Tool (BET) is one of the most popular brain segmenta...
Mining Frequent Patterns with Optimized Candidate Representation on GPU using Parallel Eclat Algorithm
Frequent itemset mining is one of the important aspects of association rule mining. The primary algorithm based for frequent itemset mining is mostly based on CPU and they generated a large set of items that are required...