A Nonlinear Controller for Photovoltaic Water Pumping System
The aim of this work is to suppy an energy for photovoltaic cell and that energy will go to the inverter and then went to induction motor to be operating certain speed then water pumb process achieved. Main target is to design and simulation of pulse width modulation (PWM) based sliding mode (SM) controller for DC/DC boost converter operating in continuous conduction mode.This research aim is to be applied an application of the sliding mode control addressed in this paper It is shown that this control approach can give good results in terms of robustness toward load and input voltage variations motor. A controller design based on sliding mode control has been tested on this process model. The sliding mode algorithm provides robust control of the process and performs far superior to conventional PI control. A nonlinear control of an induction motor (IM) supplied with a photovoltaic generator to assure the level control of two coupled tanks is designed. The global system is decomposed into two separate models thus, coupled are assured by discontinuous command. The use of the nonlinear sliding mode method provides a very good performance for motor operation and robustness of the control law despite the external/internal perturbation. Simulation results are given to highlight the performance of the proposed control technique under load disturbances and parameter uncertainties.
Authors and Affiliations
Hari Krishnan P1 , Ashokkumar K 2, Bharathkumar S
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