Advanced LEACH Protocol in Large Scale Wireless Sensor Networks


 As the use of wireless sensor networks (WSNs) has grown enormously in the past few decades, the need of scalable & energy efficient routing and data aggregation protocol for large scale deployments has also risen. LEACH is a hierarchical clustering protocol that provides an elegant solution for such protocols. One deficiency that affects the performance of the protocol is existence of very large and very small clusters in the network at the same time. This leads to the decrease in lifetime of WSNs. In this paper, the proposed and analyzed a new energy efficient clustering protocol (Improved FZ-LEACH) that eliminates the above problem by forming Far-Zone. Far-Zone is a group of sensor nodes which are placed at locations where their energies are less than a threshold. The communication between nodes and Sink is based on the energy consumption and the minimum distance. The communicating nodes only will be in active and the remaining nodes will be in sleep mode, to this sleep scheduling algorithm has been used. The simulation results and analysis show that proposed Improved FZ-LEACH algorithm outperforms LEACH in terms of energy consumption and network lifetime.

Authors and Affiliations

Ms. V. Muthulakshmi


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How To Cite

Ms. V. Muthulakshmi (30).  Advanced LEACH Protocol in Large Scale Wireless Sensor Networks. International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology, 2(5), 1324-1329.