An Analysis of Indications for Caesarean Section at Government Medical College, Latur
Background: According to WHO, the optimal caesarean delivery rate is 10-15%.However the caesarean rate is much higher in India. The increased caesarean rate has resulted in increased economical burden on health care and possibly increased maternal morbidity. Objectives: To study various indications for caesarean sections performed at Govt. Medical College and Hospital, Latur. To suggest recommendations to reduce the caesarean section rate. Materials and Methods: This study is a record based cross sectional study, conducted at Government Medical College and Hospital, Latur. All women who underwent caesarean section from March 2013 to august2013 were included in the study .Data was entered in MS Excel and analyzed with percentages and chi square test using SPSS ver.21. Results: Caesarean section rate observed in our study was 23.97 %. It was significantly more common in the age group of 21-30years, women with parity 2 and rural women. The primary LSCS rate was 41.99% and that of repeat LSCS was 58.01%.The Emergency LSCS rate was significantly higher (74.22%) than elective LSCS rate. The commonest indication for LSCS was previous LSCS (24.8%) followed by, cephalopelvic disproportion (17.6%), failure to progress (16.6%), and fetal distress (11.7%). Conclusions: In this study, caesarean section rate is higher than WHO standard and previous LSCS was the most common indication. So reduction in overall caesarean section rate can be met through reduction of elective LSCS with the promotion of trial of labour and by improving maternal health. Interpretation: Though the benefits of the caesarean section cannot be denied, unnecessary caesarean sections should be avoided.
Authors and Affiliations
Prashant Bade , Varsharani Kendre , Yallapa Jadhav , Atul Wadagale
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