An Efficient Carry Select Adder with Less Delay and Reduced Area Application
Design of area, high speed and power-efficient data path logic systems forms the largest areas of research in VLSI system design. The addition speed is limited by the time necessary to transmit a carry through the adder. Carry Select Adder (CSLA) is one of the fastest adders used in several data processing processors to perform fast arithmetic purpose. From the configuration of the CSLA, it is clear that there is scope for decreasing the area and delay in the CSLA. This work uses a simple and an efficient gate-level modification which drastically reduces the area and delay of the CSLA. Based on this modification 16, 32, 64 and 128-bit square-root Carry Select Adder (SQRT CSLA) architectures have been improved and compared with the regular SQRT CSLA architecture. The proposed design has compact area and delay to a great extent when compared with the regular SQRT CSLA. This work estimates the performance of the planned designs with the regular designs in terms of delay, area and synthesis are implemented in Xilinx FPGA. The results analysis shows that the proposed CSLA structure is better than the regular SQRT CSLA.
Authors and Affiliations
Pandu Ranga Rao#1 Priyanka Halle
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