An Overview on Privacy Preserving Data Mining Methodologies



 Abstract— Recent interest in the collection and monitoring of data using data mining technology for the purpose of security and business-related applications has raised serious concerns about privacy issues. For example, mining health care data for the detection of disease outbreaks may require analyzing clinical records and pharmacy transaction data of many individuals over a certain area. However, releasing and gathering such diverse information belonging to different parties may violate privacy laws and eventually be a threat to civil liberties. Privacy preserving data mining strives to provide a solution to this dilemma. It aims to allow useful data patterns to be discovered without compromising privacy. This paper presents an brief overview on preserving data mining methodologies.

Authors and Affiliations

Umesh Kumar Singh, Bhupendra Kumar Pandya , Keerti Dixit


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How To Cite

Umesh Kumar Singh, Bhupendra Kumar Pandya, Keerti Dixit (2011).  An Overview on Privacy Preserving Data Mining Methodologies. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING TRENDS AND TECHNOLOGY, 2(2), 11-15.