Analysis of Skin Cancer Using Fuzzy and Wavelet Technique – Review & Proposed New Algorithm
This paper first reviews the past and present technologies for skin cancer detections along with their relevant tools. Then it goes on discussing briefly about features, advantages or drawbacks of each of them. Then we discuss the mathematics preliminary required to process the image of skin cancer lesion using our proposed scheme. This paper presents a new approach for Skin Cancer detection and analysis from given photograph of patient’s cancer affected area, which can be used to automate the diagnosis and theruptic treatment of skin cancer. The proposed scheme is using Wavelet Transformation for image improvement, denoising and Histogram Analysis whereas ABCD rule with good diagnostic accuracy worldwide is used in diagnostic system as a base and finally Fuzzy Inference System for Final decision of skin type based on the pixel color sev
Authors and Affiliations
Nilkamal S. Ramteke#1 and Shweta V. Jain
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