Assessment For Use Of Gravel In Pervious Concrete
Gravel is an important commercial product, with a number of applications. Many roadways are surfaced with gravel, especially in rural areas where there is little traffic or less wheel load. Globally, so many roads are surfaced with gravel, which are used in concrete especially in Russia, which covers 4,00,000 km of gravel roads. Gravel is formed as a result of the Weathering and Erosion of the rocks. Gravel is an alternate material in place of the aggregate which in turn used for making concrete when it is properly mixed with cement and water. Gravel is used for making a special concrete like “Pervious Concrete” and for that purpose, specially 3/4 inch (18.75 mm) and 3/8 inch (9.375 mm) gravel has been taken. For obtaining these two types of gravel from the available quantity sieve analysis has been carried out. Specific gravity, Water absorption and bulk density of gravel is also found out. Gravel becoming compacted and concreted into sedimentary rock called as a conglomerate. Mostly gravel is produced by quarrying and crushing hard-wearing rocks, such as sandstone, limestone, or basalt. Quarries where gravel is extracted are known as gravel pits.
Authors and Affiliations
Darshan S. Shah , Prof. Jayeshkumar Pitroda
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