Assessment of mean platelet volume in type 2 diabetics receiving insulin or oral antidiabetic agents
Journal Title: Dicle Tıp Dergisi - Year 2015, Vol 42, Issue 4
Objective: Increased mean platelet volume (MPV) is a known risk factor for various acute vascular complications, which is commonly associated with patients with diabetes mellitus (DM). This study was aimed to investigate the association of MPV, Type 2 DM and to know the difference of MPV in patients on oral hypoglycemic drugs and insulin therapy. Methods: A total of 300 patients were selected and allocated to three subgroups with 100, as DM Group on insulin therapy, DM Group on oral hypoglycemic therapy and non-DM Group (Negative control Group). Investigations like fasting blood glucose, HbA1c and MPV were performed. The results of patient values were evaluated retrospectively. Results: Results of the study showed that patients with type 2 DM have increased in the MPV. Oral antidiabetic treatment in patients MPV, was found to be higher compared to patients treated with insulin. The mean MPV in Group 1 (on oral hypoglycemic treatment) was 10.07±0.7 fl, in Group 2 (on Insulin therapy) 9.01±0.6 fl and in the controls Group 8.15±0.8 fl. Conclusion: The outcome of study has shown that values of MPV are increased in patients with, Type 2 DM and are significantly higher in those patients on oral hypoglycemic therapy than patients on insulin therapy. MPV is a simple and cost-effective tool which can be explored for predicting the possibility of vascular events in patients suffering from diabetes mellitus. Early initiation of insulin treatment in confirmed cases of Type 2 diabetics not only helps in controlling blood glucose level but also helps in keeping MPV low and thereby preventing possibility of impending vascular events. Key words: Mean platelet volume, type 2 diabetes mellitus, insulin therapy, oral hypoglycemic drugs
Authors and Affiliations
Fatih Şahpaz, Kemal Ulutaş
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