Design Of Real Time Interactive Data Acquisition And Control System Using ARM9
A web server is a system which hosts a web site and provides services for any requesting clients. The general purpose web servers compose of an operating system, the web pages or the application and a huge amount of memory and sometimes a special hardware. The central function unit to get access on an embedded system via Web browser is the Web server. Digital acquisition is done by special ADC. The measured data are stored in external memory in which the memory acts as a data base during web server mode. The ARM processor directly supports the Ethernet service and RS232 communication. Hence the data has been stored and controlled by some other PCs or network via RS232 & Ethernet. ARM processor has internal I2C module. So it has the ability to communicate with any other peripherals. This system has LCD to display the information and measured parameters which makes the debugging and modification of the parameter easy. The Analog to digital interfacing module is independent with the embedded system, which is beneficial to the system maintenance and upgrade. As the embedded Ethernet interface makes the remote data exchange between the applications become very easy. Here we measure the remote signals and can control the remote devices through reliable protocols and communication network. The embedded web server is interfaced to the appliances and the sensors through the controller and it is via the embedded web server that we can control the appliances and monitor the sensors
Authors and Affiliations
S. P Rahul Santosh , K. Somasekhara Rao
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