Development of TMS320F2810 DSP Based Bidirectional buck-boost Chopper


 A DC - DC converter is an electronic circuit which converts a source of direct current (DC) from one voltage level to another. It is a class of power converter. One common application of DC - DC converters is DC motor control. The Buck - Boost Chopper is a type of DC - DC converter. They are static devices which are used to obtain variable DC voltage from the source of constant DC voltage. Besides the saving in power, Buck-Boost choppers offer greater efficiency, faster response, lower maintenance, smooth control and small size. Even though Buck Boost choppers have several advantages, they can't transfer power from either sides. So a unidirectional DC/DC converter is designed to flow energy on both sides by replacing diodes with controllable switch forming a Bidirectional DC/DC converter. The output DC level is controlled by varying the time for which the supply is connected to the circuit.

Authors and Affiliations

Mr. K. S. Chakradhar


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How To Cite

Mr. K. S. Chakradhar (30).  Development of TMS320F2810 DSP Based Bidirectional buck-boost Chopper. International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology, 3(6), 183-186.