Education in Romania – Between accelerating economic growth and increasing gaps with the West
Journal Title: STUDIUM - Revista studenţilor, masteranzilor şi doctoranzilor în istorie - Year 2015, Vol 8, Issue 1
There is an unwritten law about the progress of society which sounds like this: that who invests in education, over the course of a generation – 30 years – will gather wellbeing and progress. This experiment was launched and implemented in Romania, in 1878, by the mathematician Spiru Haret. The results of such a reform which began in the beginning of 1900, led to the third wave of modernization of the country in 1930. The newly launched reform at that moment represented a beginning for the development of Romanian society. Starting from these considerations and viewing the encouraging horizons coming from historical arguments, we propose an analysis of the influence of the education system present for this period in the history of the Romanian state, how the system worked, how was this important necessity identified and how it was regulated in order to benefit economic development.
Authors and Affiliations
Radio „Europa Liberă” şi exilul românesc în Europa / Radio Free Europe and Romanian exile in Europe
Radio Free Europe was born during the Cold War that marked the tension between the two superpowers. Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty carried the torches of freedom and democracy, as their mission was to further streng...
Războiul de pe Nistru: cauze, actori, consecinţe / War on the Dniester: causes, actors and consequences
The Transdnistrian conflict or the war in Transdnistria (sometimes called Moldovan-Russian war) was a military conflict, currently a political conflict between Moldova and the self-proclaimed “Transdniester Moldovan Repu...
[b] The idea of queuing in the memorialistic literature[/b]
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The activity of the historian Prof. Alexandru Boldur in Jassy
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