Fly Ash and Recycled Coarse Aggregate in Concrete: New Era for Construction Industries - A Literature Review
Use of recycled coarse aggregate in concrete can be useful for environmental protection and economical terms. Recycled aggregates are the materials for the future. Same as fly ash is also a byproduct from various industries. Fly ash is a group of materials that can vary significantly in composition. It is residue left from burning coal, which is collected on an electrostatic precipitator or in a bag house. It mixes with flue gases that result when powdered coal is used to produce electric power. The advantages of using fly ash far outweigh the disadvantages. The most important benefit is reduced permeability to water and aggressive chemicals. Properly cured concrete made with fly ash creates a denser product because the sizes of the pores are reduced. This increases strength and reduces permeability. Globally, the concrete industry consumes large quantities of natural resources, which are becoming insufficient to meet the increasing demands. At the same time, large number of old buildings and other structures have reached the end of their service life and are being demolished, resulting in generation of demolished concrete. Some of this concrete waste is used as backfill material, and much being sent to landfills. Recycling concrete by using it as replacement to new aggregate in concrete could reduce concrete waste and conserve natural sources of aggregate. In the last two decades, varieties of recycling methods for construction and demolition wastes have been explored and are in well-developed stage. Fly ash is known to be a good pozzolanic material and has been used to increase the ultimate compressive strength and workability of fresh concrete.
Authors and Affiliations
Prof. Chetna M. Vyas1 , Prof. Jayeshkumar Pitroda2
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