Glycerol steam reforming over Ni-Re/ α -Al2O3 catalysts
Journal Title: CHEMIK nauka-technika-rynek - Year 2016, Vol 70, Issue 5
Large amount of glycerol waste fraction is still produced during biodiesel synthesis through the transesterification reaction. One of possible ways of its utilization seems to be conversion to synthesis gas. A steam reforming of glycerol on the rhenium doped nickel catalysts, supported on the commercial alumina oxide, was evaluated. The catalysts previously show good activity and stability in the methane steam reforming and CO2 methane reforming. Rhenium content was changed up to 4 wt.%, temperatures range of the reforming reaction was 650-800°C with S/C = 3. Rhenium addition show significant influence on catalysts properties, such as activity in glycerol conversion and hydrogen production. The most promising results were obtained for Ni/Al2O3 catalyst with 1 wt.% rhenium addition. Ni-Re catalyst proved to be useful in syngas generation with high CO:H2 ratio.
Authors and Affiliations
M Cichy, T Borowiecki
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