Guidetainment in Polish media – phenomenon analysis on the selected examples

Journal Title: Media i Społeczeństwo - Year 2015, Vol 2015, Issue 5


The mass media play various functions in societies. Among others they inform on current events, integrate society, provide entertainment, mobilize an individual and/or social groups for action, form and support a community values. The media are a part of the social structure, its important component. They meet the needs of the society and the individual. One of the important needs or motives of media is the search for advice on practical matters, also in the choice of opinions and decisions. The development of guidance offer in all media sectors on the market shows the social demand for guidance. In the era of tabloidisation, commodification, and the media convergence researchers point out to a clear domination of infotainment and its variations in the media offer. Therefore the question arises of whether the elements of entertainment are visible in guidance materials ? Can we talk about guidetainment or compilation of guidance and entertainment? Is guidance offer characterised by personalization, sensationalism , fragmentation and message concretization?

Authors and Affiliations

Olga Dąbrowska-Cendrowska


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How To Cite

Olga Dąbrowska-Cendrowska (2015).  Guidetainment in Polish media – phenomenon analysis on the selected examples. Media i Społeczeństwo, 2015(5), 35-53.