Historians in Search of New Ways at the Border of the Centuries

Journal Title: Codrul Cosminului - Year 2013, Vol 19, Issue 2


The paper analyses the radical transformations that took place in the theoretical foundations, methodology and conceptual models of historical science at the border of the XX – XXI centuries. The changes in research strategies of recent historiography are considered as an outcome of the fruitful interaction of different disciplines in the common space of social sciences and humanities. The author estimates the cognitive potential of new theoretical models aiming to restore the integrity of historical vision of the past.

Authors and Affiliations

Lorina Repina


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How To Cite

Lorina Repina (2013).  Historians in Search of New Ways at the Border of the Centuries. Codrul Cosminului, 19(2), 257-268. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-136329