Impact of Solid Waste Disposal on Ground Water Quality in Different Disposal Site at Jaipur, India


 This research paper here to present to examine the adverse effect of dumping of solid waste at disposal site on ground water quality at various disposal site at Jaipur city, India. This effect on ground water causes due to the unsystematic or unscientific dumping of solid waste. The water, which already presents in the waste, generates with the biodegradable waste or due to the infiltration of water by rainfall. This water which generates or occurs due to that process pours in the soil and causes contamination with ground water. And that contamination causes the water pollution and changes in the some parameters of the ground water. However, most of the parameters tested fall within WHO recommendation while some are not. The physical and chemical parameters such as temperature, pH, Hardness, Electrical Conductivity, Total Dissolved Solids, Total Suspended Solids were studied using various analytical techniques. To control the further pollution of ground water the open area dumping of the solid waste should be prohibited by the municipals authorities.

Authors and Affiliations

Rahul Nandwana


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How To Cite

Rahul Nandwana (30).  Impact of Solid Waste Disposal on Ground Water Quality in Different Disposal Site at Jaipur, India. International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology, 3(8), 93-101.