Impact of SVC and DG on Voltage Stability Constrained Available Transfer Capability
The transmission system loadability is mainly dependent on reactive power support in the system. The imbalance between reactive power generation and consumption in the system causes to voltage drooping in the entire system. This phenomenon will further increase under heavily loaded conditions as well as contingency conditions. In order to avoid blackouts due to lack of reactive power support, most of the current power systems are integrating the emerging technologies like Flexible Ac Transmission Systems (FACTS) devices and Distributed Generation (DG) systems. This paper is addressing the impact of Static Var Compensators (SVC) and Distributed Generation (DG) on Available Transfer Capability (ATC). Using repeated power flow (RPF), the Voltage Stability Constrained Available Transfer Capability (VSATC) has been improved. The case studies are performed on IEEE–14 bus test system and the results are validating the proposed approach for stability margin enhancement in real time applications.
Authors and Affiliations
A. N. Venkateswarlu1 , Dr. S. S. Tulasi Ram2 , Dr. P. Sangameswara Raju
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