Improved Technique for Gait Reconigition & Performing Feature Extraction Using Videos of Different Forms
Journal Title: IOSR Journals (IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering) - Year 2014, Vol 16, Issue 3
Abstract: This paper describes the importance of GAIT Recognition where identification of human being from far distance without any sort of co-operation from his side is performed. Motive to develop automatic identification of human being using GAIT recognition method that to find an application which provide high security in places such as banking sector, military, parking slots. Work is performed on videos of different formats. In which extraction of frames from inputted video is done & matched with trained database. Background subtraction is done to concentrate on particular object rather than complete frame & irrelevant part is neglected. Feature extraction is done by taking an account of various parameters applied on the input and database to compare them. The significant part of this work is recognition in which we match the trained data with inputted data and then testing the result to check the accuracy of the applied technique.
Authors and Affiliations
Ashutosh Batta , Chirag Sharma
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