Improvement of State Support for Agricultural Insurance

Journal Title: Oblik i finansi - Year 2014, Vol 1, Issue 4


This article explores the features of agricultural insurance with state support in Ukraine and highlights the experience of foreign countries in this area. It is marked a great variability of state support for agricultural insurance, the simultaneous use of both methods of planned economy and market leverage. The general state of domestic agricultural insurance is reviewed and the deficiencies are exposed. Described the dynamics of budget expenditure parameters for insurance support in agriculture and amount of profit for comparing the effectiveness of budget programs. Recommendations are given on further development of the national agricultural insurance through improvement of state support. In line with government policy on regulating agricultural development the approaches are proposed for creation of support system for agricultural insurance with the participation of state and commercial structures. Attention is paid to the need for Strategy of development of agricultural insurance with state support in the middle and long term.

Authors and Affiliations

Yulia Aleskerova


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How To Cite

Yulia Aleskerova (2014).  Improvement of State Support for Agricultural Insurance. Oblik i finansi, 1(4), 95-102.