LOQES: Model for Evaluation of Learning Object
Journal Title: International Journal of Advanced Computer Science & Applications - Year 2012, Vol 3, Issue 7
Learning Object Technology is a diverse and contentious area, which is constantly evolving, and will inevitably play a major role in shaping the future of both teaching and learning. Learning Objects are small chunk of materials which acts as basic building blocks of this technology enhanced learning and education. Learning Objects are hosted by various repositories available online so that different users can use them in multiple contexts as per their requirements. The major bottleneck for end users is finding an appropriate learning object in terms of content quality and usage. Theorist and researchers have advocated various approaches for evaluating learning objects in form of evaluation tools and metrics, but all these approaches are either qualitative based on human review or not supported by empirical evidence. The main objective of this paper is to study the impact of current evaluation tools and metrics on quality of learning objects and propose a new quantitative system LOQES that automatically evaluates the learning object in terms of defined parameters so as to give assurance regarding quality and value.
Authors and Affiliations
Sonal Chawla, Niti Gupta, R. Singla
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