Male Social Workers’ Non-Hegemonic Experiences from the Feminist Biographical Research Perspective
Journal Title: KultŁ«ra ir visuomenė. SocialiniŁ³ tyrimŁ³ Ł¾urnalas - Year 2011, Vol 2, Issue 2
The article focuses on male social workers’ constructions of their professional identity. To examine their professional identities, biographical method is used. it enabled the male social workers to reveal their constructions of identity, professional orientations and trajectories. The analysis of the interviews with 26-59-year-old male social workers uncovers difficulties and conflicts in these men’s practices of masculinity. On the one hand, these men want to have status and power in a decision-making process; on the other hand, they desire to be good social workers and altruistic caregivers. They emphasize care, concern, emotional proximity and empathy as both the non-hegemonic practices and the main goals in their daily work. realizing that they work in a feminized profession for a low salary, nonetheless, the interviewed men strive to be the best in it. Moreover, they are not afraid to admit that social work is their second profession chosen after the crises and difficulties in their personal lives. In narrating their stories, the men attempt to combine practices attributed to traditional hegemonic masculinity with the practices of a male caregiver. A further research should focus both on the particular patterns of a male care and specificities and complexities of masculine practices in the field of social work.
Authors and Affiliations
Natalija Mažeikienė, Agnė Dorelaitienė
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