Neurophenomenological Triptych. Introduction
Journal Title: AVANT. Pismo awangardy filozoficzno-naukowej - Year 2010, Vol 0, Issue 1
The aim of the research program initiated by the late Francisco Varela was to naturalize phenomenology in the frame of neurobiology, and to apply it to the different areas of theory and practice in science and philosophy (embodiment, enactivism). It meets certain challenges like the explanatory gap or the problem of clarity and credibility of the subjective reports.
Authors and Affiliations
Witold Wachowski
On possibilities for action: The past, present and future of affordance research
We give a historical overview of the development of almost 50 years of empirical research on the affordances in the past and in the present. Defined by James Jerome Gibson in the early development of the Ecological Appr...
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Stara dobra etnografia laboratorium
'Handling Digital Brains' udowadnia, że etnografia laboratorium wciąż może wnosić istotny wkład w dziedzinie społecznych studiów nad nauką i technologią. Recenzowana praca prezentuje szczegóły interakcji między badaczami...
Tryptyk neurofenomenologiczny. Wprowadzenie
Program badawczy zapoczątkowany przez nieżyjącego już Francisco Varelę i odniesiony do różnych obszarów teorii i praktyki naukowej oraz filozofii (stanowisko ucieleśnione, enaktywne), podjął się natu...
From Physical Education to Physical Intelligence
Author comments on the changes in his approach to questions concerning action and perception, current and future status of ecological psychology, as well as specificity of human nature.