Nutrition status as a criterion of donosologic diagnostics of teenagers health
Journal Title: Медичні перспективи - Year 2015, Vol 20, Issue 2
The primary purpose – to give estimation of nutrition status indexes of teenagers and define their role in donosologic health diagnostics. In the work it is proved that in 17,1% of girls anaemia was diagnosed, in 53,9% – latent deficit of iron. Clinically, symptoms of ascorbic acid deficiency were educed in 50,0%, and its maintenance in the blood serum was reduced in 70,0% of inspected. It is shown that anaemias and latent deficit of iron in teenagers are associated with their activity, anxiety and physical capacity; deficit of ascorbic acid − with the changes of amino acid composition of blood and activity; violations of proteometabolism − with general state, anxiety and physical capacity; increase of both lipids and blood glucose − with their activity; violation of cellular immunity − with activity and general state, and humoral immunity − with the mental capacity of teenagers. It is necessary to take into account all these violations in donosologic diagnostics of health of the rising generation.
Authors and Affiliations
S. Schudro
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