Performance Analysis of Various Vedic Techniques for Multiplication
Multiplication is an important factor in arithmetic operations and is carried out in a number of Digital Signal Processing applications. As Multipliers take a long time for execution so there is a need of fast multiplier to save the execution time. This paper describes the multiplication using Ancient Indian Vedic Mathematics multiplication techniques. Vedic Mathematics is the ancient system of mathematics which has a unique technique of calculations based on 16 Sutras. The techniques described in this paper are Nikhilam Sutra, Urdhva Tiryakbhyam and Karatsuba-ofman and the performance analysis of these techniques is obtained. Modelsim tool is used for simulation and the results obtained are compared on the basis of time delay of multiplication. This paper also describes the deliberateness and the fastness of different multiplier techniques compared with each other
Authors and Affiliations
Kavita#1, Umesh Goyal#2
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