Power Factor Improvement of Induction Motor by Using Capacitors
This paper describes the improvement of power factor of an induction motor by using capacitor bank. When power factor is improved, automatically energy will be saved A power factor is the goal of any electrical utility company since if the power factor is less than one, they have to supply more current to the user for a given amount of power use. In so doing they occur more line losses. Induction motors are the most widely used electrical motors due to their reliability, low cost and robustness. For industrial and mining applications, 3-phase AC induction motors are the prime movers for the vast majority of machines. It has been estimated that 70% to 80% of all electricity in the world is consumed by these motors. At no load induction motor has very low power factor. It improves at increasing load from no load to full load. Power factor correction is achieved by the addition of capacitors in parallel with the connected motor circuits and can be applied at the starter, or applied at the switchboard or distribution panel.
Authors and Affiliations
Sapna Khanchi#1, Vijay Kumar Garg
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