Social campaigns as tools for changing attitudes towards people with disabilities
Journal Title: Media i Społeczeństwo - Year 2015, Vol 2015, Issue 5
Social campaign is an important form of public communication used in the so called social marketing. A very important aspect of such campaigns are the issues concerning the key social problems, particularly disability. The main aim of campaigns addressing this problem is to change the attitudes of the able-bodied part of our society towards people with disabilities and to change the approach of disabled people to their life, work and themselves. The article provides a detailed analysis of an example of disability campaigns and the role it plays in shaping socially desirable attitudes and behaviors. Because social campaigns do not always meet with acceptance from the entire society it is worth considering what factors influence the perception and reactions to such communicative activities and to what extent such form of communication is effective in promoting positive attitudes and eliminating the influence of stereotypes on the perception of disability.
Authors and Affiliations
Katarzyna Piątek
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