Sociotropic Perceptions or Personal Experiences? Political Trust in Lithuania


Support of democracy and acceptance of democratic rules is an essential condition for the effective functioning of democracy. Democratic governments slowly create an affective reservoir of diffuse support for democracy that helps their survival during the period of a short-term economic hardship. This article investigates sources of political trust in Lithuania. The method of the study is an analysis of the data of a survey sample conducted in 2010. in the first section of the article, the concept of political trust is defined and modes of support of democracy are introduced. in the second, the sources of political trust are analyzed. in the third section, the impact of the Soviet legacy and post-communist transformation are examined. in the fourth, the results of the analysis of the survey data are presented and discussed. The paper concludes that such factors as evaluations of the country’s current economy and its economy in the future, pride in the Lithuanian citizenship, evaluations of procedural justice in local government and satisfaction with life influence political trust. Attitudes towards social benefits and dissatisfaction with life are related to the attitudes towards welfare during the Soviet regime. The collective sociotropic perceptions of how the nation as a whole fares economically affect political trust directly and egocentric concerns indirectly.[b][/b]

Authors and Affiliations

Jūratė Imbrasaitė


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How To Cite

Jūratė Imbrasaitė (2011).  Sociotropic Perceptions or Personal Experiences? Political Trust in Lithuania. KultŁ«ra ir visuomenė. SocialiniŁ³ tyrimŁ³ Ł¾urnalas, 2(1), 11-26.