Stem Cell Therapy for Diabetes: Are We Close Enough?
Journal Title: Journal of Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences University - Year 2014, Vol 3, Issue 1
Over the last few decades, understanding of the mechanismof cellular development has increased tremendously.The knowledge of the potential of stem/precursorcells in tissue engineering and cell therapy hasgained the popularity. In case of diabetes, the availabilityof the source of stem cells and the efficacy of theirisolation techniques for maximum yield of viable cellsto expand is an important issue which needs attention.Attempts to make beta cells from mouse embryonicstem cells (ES) and adult stem cells have been frustratingin part because too much has been expectedtoo soon. The problem with ES cells are that it is notknown whether these cells are truly similar to normalbeta cells or not and ethical issues surrounding them.ES cells is a major concern. Current claims about differentiation/ transdifferentiation of adult stem cells toinsulin producing cells has been demonstrated by manygroups. These adult stem cells are of enormous interestbecause of their general accessibility and lack ofethical issues. Also, adult stem cells are non immunocompatibleunless isolated from the same patientwhereas ethical and scientific issues surrounding embryonicand fetal stem cells hinder their widespreadimplementation. Therefore, much attention is now focusedon alternative sources of adult/postnatal stemcells.
Authors and Affiliations
Sachin S. Kadam
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