Study of Changes in Knowledge of Primary Health Care among Medical Interns Attending the Community Medicine Posting
Journal Title: Journal of Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences University - Year 2013, Vol 2, Issue 2
Background: Internship is the best period foracquiring practical knowledge and skills in communitymedicine to become a successful primaryhealth care physician. Effectiveness ofinternship has been questioned in many researchpapers. Internship in India is clinically orientedwith inadequate community experience. Objectives:This study was conducted among medicalinterns with the objective of assessing thebase line knowledge about application of principlesof primary health care and the change inknowledge about the same at the end of theCommunity Medicine posting. Methods: All theinterns attending the community medicineposting were included in the study. A structuredquestionnaire related to principles and elementsof primary health care was self administeredbefore and after the Community Medicine posting.Marking system was devised and WilcoxonSinged rank test, Paired t test and Pearsonscorrelation coefficient were applied whereverappropriate. Results: Among 9 questions relatedto the theory aspect only two showed statisticallysignificant improvement. All the sixquestions related to practical aspect did notshow any significant change. Conclusion: Internshiptraining of two months in CommunityMedicine has failed to create a positive impacton the post test scores, indicating no gain inknowledge during this period. Framework ofinternship training, especially in CommunityMedicine needs to be restructured. Further researchneeds to be directed to understand thefelt needs of the medical interns and reasonsfor their poor performance.
Authors and Affiliations
Shekhar Padhyegurjar , Kiran Makade , Manasi Padhyegurjar , Gladius Jennifer
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