The Design and Implementation of On-Line Examination UsingFirewall security
Journal Title: IOSR Journals (IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering) - Year 2014, Vol 16, Issue 6
Abstract: Online Examination System is a software solution, which allows a company or institute to arrange,conduct and manage examinations via an online environment. This can be done through the Internet, Intranetand/or Local Area Network environments. In this paper propose a system that provides security to improve onlineExamination by utilizing DMZ Concept in firewall technology. This research paper, discuss theperformance of online exam with respect to the security provided by the firewall technology. This paperconcludes that by improving the security system using a firewall that can be incorporated into the proposedsystem to fulfil the challenge of online examination system. We proposed a system using firewall technology tomonitor candidates and control network packets of all machines incorporating the username and password forauthentication. This paper provides an overview of online Examination System using firewall technologies.
Authors and Affiliations
V. Selvi , R. Sankar , R. Umarani
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