The impact of credit rating agencies on the safety of the banking system
Journal Title: Zarządzanie i Finanse - Year 2013, Vol 11, Issue 2
The purpose of this paper is to show the credit rating agencies as one of the key players in the banking sector whose activities have a significant impact on the security of the entire banking system. The study approximated the current European Union rules for licensing credit rating agencies and expected changes in this area, as well as proposed changes in the role of ratings assigned by the rating agencies in the calculation of capital adequacy of banks. According to the author, despite some reservations it can be concluded that the current arrangements for the licensing and supervision of credit rating agencies, which apply (or will apply) in the European Union, have a positive impact on the safety of the banking sector. They increase the degree of responsibility given to the rating agencies, and significantly reduce the possibility of conflicts of interest. The author points out, however, that even these regulations do not eliminate the most important problem of the excessive reliance on bank ratings systems for determining capital requirements for credit risk the possible solution would be to reduce the significance of ratings and to treat them at best as elements of information complementary to such parameters as CDS prices, or assessments published periodically by the relevant supervisory authority.
Authors and Affiliations
Jan Koleśnik
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