The role of the insurance intermediation and proposal for a Directive IMD2

Journal Title: Zarządzanie i Finanse - Year 2013, Vol 11, Issue 2


 During the inspection of implementation of the Directive 2002/92/EC of the European Parliament and the Council on insurance mediation (IMD1) carried out by the European Commission in 2005–2008 it was found necessary to review it. Described in this article, the proposal for a Directive (IMD2) seeks “to improve regulation in the retail insurance market in an efficient manner. It aims at ensuring a level playing field between all participants involved in the selling of insurance products and at strengthening policyholder protection”. Its key provisions may, however, affect the role of insurance intermediation in Poland. The implementation of the Directive IMD2 in the proposed form may interfere with the role previously played by insurance intermediation in the Polish insurance market, in particular, reduce the number of intermediaries, impair their financial situation, reduce their innovation and the scope and quality of services.

Authors and Affiliations

Jacek Lisowski


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How To Cite

Jacek Lisowski (2013).  The role of the insurance intermediation and proposal for a Directive IMD2. Zarządzanie i Finanse, 11(2), 105-120.