To Study and Analyze to foresee market Using Data Mining Technique



 In every field there is huge growth and demand in knowledge and information over the internet. The automation using data mining and predictive technologies are doing an advance amount of deals in the markets. Data mining is all based on the theory that the historic data holds the essential memory for predicting the future direction. This technology is designed to help shareholders to discover hidden patterns from the historic data that have probable predictive capability in their investment decisions. The prediction of stock markets is regarded as a challenging task of financial time series prediction. Data analysis is one way of predicting if future stocks prices will increase or decrease. There are some methods of analyzing stocks which were combined to predict if the day’s closing price would increase or decrease. These methods include study of Price, Index, and Average. (For e.g.Typical Price (TP), Bands, Relative Strength Index (RSI), CMI and Moving Average (MA)).

Authors and Affiliations

Mr. Amit Khedkar Prof. R. V. Argiddi


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How To Cite

Mr. Amit Khedkar Prof. R. V. Argiddi (2013).  To Study and Analyze to foresee market Using Data Mining Technique. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING TRENDS AND TECHNOLOGY, 4(9), 3718-3720.