Web Server for Remote Monitoring and Control
Journal Title: IOSR Journals (IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering) - Year 2015, Vol 17, Issue 2
Abstract: This paper presents an implementation of a platform independent embedded web server and itsintegration into a network of wireless sensor nodes. The embedded web server is designed and built as anexpansion module for one of the nodes in the wireless sensor network (WSN). It allows authorized Internet usersto establish two-way communication with the sensor network. The server uses limited available hardwareresources to implement an interface to the WSN node and to serve dynamic HTML pages to the remote user.This allows the user to monitor the operation of the WSN remotely, to periodically download the sensed data,and to change the operation mode of the network. In addition to providing monitoring and data collectionservices, the embedded web server can generate email alerts about critical issues in the WSN, provide secureaccess to modules that change the operation of the WSN, shut down sensor nodes, and log data from thenetwork into an on-board flash memory
Authors and Affiliations
Bassam Ali
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