Negatività, trascendenza, utopia. La dialettica dell’opera d’arte nella Teoria estetica di Adorno

Journal Title: Aisthema, International Journal - Year 2018, Vol 5, Issue 1


This paper focuses on the relationship between negativity and trascendence as it emerges in the aesthetic thought of Theodor Wiesengrund Adorno, for which the potential of a work of art is the possibility contained within itself, and which coincides with its utopic dimension. It is precisely this utopic dimension that impedes a complete identification between a work of art and a piece of merchandise. From this point of you, this paper examines how, through the uninterruped relationship between essence and appearance, language and reality, thought and perception, the power of a work of art coincides with its capacity to show how things could be different from actual reality.

Authors and Affiliations

Francesco Scutari


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How To Cite

Francesco Scutari (2018). Negatività, trascendenza, utopia. La dialettica dell’opera d’arte nella Teoria estetica di Adorno. Aisthema, International Journal, 5(1), 127-165.