Neo-Avrasyacı Perspektiften Rusya Federasyonu’nun Güvenlik Algısı
Journal Title: GÜVENLİK STRATEJİLERİ DERGİSİ - Year 2018, Vol 14, Issue 28
The neo-Eurasianism, which emerged after the disintegration of the USSR against the pro-Western views and which has always been effective in Russian political life, was largely transformed into a systematic ideology by Aleksandr Dugin. Dugin bases his understanding of Eurasianism on the competition between land and naval forces and claims that this situation is embodied in the struggle between naval pole led by the USA and land pole led by the Russian Federation in today’s world. Dugin points out that the Eurasian Empire should be established under the leadership of the Russians because the possession of the pivotal territories in the Eurasian region is in the hands of this country. For establishing it, Dugin also points out the imperative of recapturing the “near abroad” which the Russian Federation lost after the disintegration of the USSR, of challenging the interests of the United States, the leader of the naval pole, all over the world and of finally defeating it. It can be said that Russian Federation has realized the discourses of Eurasianism movement, mostly framed by Aleksandr Dugin, by stopping the influx of the Euro-Atlantic structure to its near abroad through its intervention in Georgia in August 2008 and Ukraine in 2014, and then involving the Syria crisis in 2015.
Authors and Affiliations
Selim KURT
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