Neonatal Ascites– Experience from a Tertiary Care Centre

Journal Title: Journal of Medical Science And clinical Research - Year 2018, Vol 6, Issue 6


Objective: Neonatal ascites is rare but difficult problem for Neonatologist. To evaluate clinical investigational profile of Neonatal ascites this study was conducted in a city of northern India. Methods: The Neonates who attended Pediatric Gastroenterology clinic, PGIMER Chandigarh from July 1993 to June 2003 having ascites were enrolled for the study. The history, clinical examination, investigation(USG whole abdomen,ascites fluid examination, LFT, RFT, E CG, Echocardiography, urine examination, MCUG, CT scan, MRCP, Chest Xray etc.) were done depending upon individual cases. Result: Out of 50 Neonatal ascites, Chylous ascites were seen in 20(40%),biliary ascites in 10(20%), Urinary ascites in 10(20%), Nephrotic syndrome in 2(4%), Cardiac arrhythmia in 4(8%), Toxoplasmosis in 2(4%) CMV in 2 (4%) cases. Chylous ascites were subjected to paracentesis, TPN, MCT, Octreotide, Surgery, Urinary ascites with MCUG, Catheterisation, surgery(for posterior urethral valve),Biliary ascites with CBD drainage and surgery. CMV, Toxoplasmosis, Cardiac arrhythmia, nephrotic syndrome were treated with conservative management. Conclusion: Neonatal ascites is difficult challenge to Neonatologist. Treatment depends upon varied etiology

Authors and Affiliations

Sujay Chaudhuri


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How To Cite

Sujay Chaudhuri (2018). Neonatal Ascites– Experience from a Tertiary Care Centre. Journal of Medical Science And clinical Research, 6(6), 197-201.