Journal Title: Вісник Маріупольського державного університету. Серія: Філософія, культурологія, соціологія - Year 2016, Vol 6, Issue 11
У роботі досліджено існуючий у суспільстві модус приховування справжнього ставлення до психічно хворих як фактор, що гальюмує позитивні перетворення у соціумі, спрямовані на соціалізацію та нівелювання стигматизації психічно хворих. Висвітлено масштаб та особливості приховування справжнього ставлення до психічно хворих у групі медичних працівників психіатричних лікарень України, розглянуто особливості вплив факту приховування справжнього ставлення до психічно хворих на вербально-поведінкові практики та стигматизацію психічно хворих. A tendency to socialization of the mentally ill by reducing their stigmatization is traced in the modern society. It is impossible to achieve such things without breaking social thought in the direction of the levelling insulation and discriminatory social practices and alternative without implementation of inclusive technologies, which are a means of levelling the negative consequences of stigmatizing practices. Societal verbal and behavioural rigidity block the change of outdated practices making it impossible to achieve rapid positive changes in this direction. Not the last role in the conditioning of verbal-behavioural redignity in the society regarding the mentally ill is played by a modus of hiding their own genuine thoughts about the mentally ill in the direction of declaring a more socially acceptable position with the preservation and implementation of the other hidden forms of communication. In this regard, the aim of the study was to explore the scale and characteristics existing in the society of the mode of concealment of true attitudes towards the mentally ill as a factor of hindering positive changes in the society, which are aimed at socialization and levelling the stigmatization of the mentally ill. The opinion poll and the questionnaire survey were held among the employees of psychiatric institutions of Ukraine. 505 respondents with an average age of 41.6 years took part in it, among whom approximately 20.6% - male, 79.4% - female. By education of the respondents it was determined as follows: with higher education – 21.6% of the respondents, secondary education – 76,5 %, average – 1.9 percent; by qualification level: doctors of 16.9 %, nurses – 76.8 %, orderlies – 6.2 %. The study showed that most health sphere workers do not tend to hide their own attitude towards the mentally ill, and honest in their verbal and behavioural practices in relation to patients; however, almost one third of the health sphere workers admitted that actually, during work, they hide their true attitude towards the mentally ill. The majority of respondents are of the opinion that the Ukrainian society as a whole tends to conceal the true attitudes towards the mentally ill behind the declaration of more socially acceptable views. This trend leads to dissociation between verbal and behavioural practices towards the mentally ill, when verbalized positive attitude towards the mentally ill in practice is implemented in introduction of stigmatizing patients. The same mechanism can explain the existing dualism of social practices in the same social groups; in a more global context, this translates into dissociation of social practices that are implemented against the mentally ill at the state level.
Authors and Affiliations
Oksana Pironkova
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