Journal Title: Вісник Маріупольського державного університету. Серія: Філософія, культурологія, соціологія - Year 2016, Vol 6, Issue 12
В статье раскрывается влияние социокультурных процессов на развитие нетрадиционной книги в начале ХХ века. Показано, что эксперименты с художественным пространством и произведением искусства были характерны для эпохи авангарда. Дана общая характеристика проекта livred'artiste и футуристической книги; проведен их сравнительный анализ. Socio-cultural processes on influence of non-traditional book are shown in this article. The process of reform of the early 20th century was in economics, culture, social processes and tit ouched the book graphics. Stylistic searches and the use of different techniques promoted the flourishing of traditional books and appearing of untraditional ones. The author of this publication refers to the books of the early 20th century – livre d‟artiste, a French project of the well-known collector Ambroise Vollard (with the participation of Henri Matisse, Pablo Picasso, Marc Chagall and others) and a futuristic book (Alexey Kruchenyh, Velimir Khlebnikov, Vladimir Mayakovsky, Ilya Zdanevich were publishers). The articles speaks about the activity of the non-traditional book, an art-project and proves it. There was an unusual graphic and technology, original design, limited edition and the number of edition pointed out. The author of the article gives the description of the project livre d‟artiste and a futuristic book, he shows the comparative description. Common and distinguishing features are identified. The project livre d‟artiste by Ambroise Vollard had mostly commercial features. Ambroise Vollard was known in the art sphere as a successful art-manager, the owner of the gallery in Paris where the works of Paul Cezanne, Paul Gauguin, Henri Matisse, Pablo Picasso were displayed. Ambroise Vollard skillfully opened new names in painting. The project livre d‟artiste was a great way to get acquainted with modern art. The innovation of the project livre d‟artiste was proved in mobile ways of the creation of painting. The experiments with art space and the artworks were typical for avant-garde era. Ambroise Vollard was able to keep the «aura» of artworks through the creation of new art space (livre d‟artiste) as an alternative to the museum space. Thus, the author shows the contribution of Ambroise Vollardin to the development of modern art. The usage of hand-writing is also the characteristic feature for a futuristic book. For example, we can see it in the books of A. Kruchenyh with drawings of Natalia Goncharova “The Game in Hell” (1912), Kruchenyh “Lipstick” (1913) with drawings of Larionov and others. The futuristic book is analyzed as an original creation with presenting and bright expressiveness. This book pursueds the socio-educational goals. Creative activity of Ambroise Vollardand, the author of futuristic books, is characterized in the article. Also their conception is descried which, according to the author‟s opinion, determines the work of art.
Authors and Affiliations
Anna Bilyk
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